Sand Talk by Tyson Yunkaporta
Hannah Keartland Hannah Keartland

Sand Talk by Tyson Yunkaporta

Tyson Yunkaporta gives an insight into Aboriginal ways of thinking and observing the world we live in. He asks what might happen if we apply this perspective to the complexity we see in the world today.

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Lean Impact by Ann Mei Chang
Hannah Keartland Hannah Keartland

Lean Impact by Ann Mei Chang

Ann Mei Chang takes the Lean Startup approach that’s been a bible for many successful start ups and applies it to delivering impact. Drawing on her experiences in Silicon Valley, USAID and beyond she shares a wealth of practical advice on how to “think big … start small … relentlessly seek impact”.

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Less is More by Jason Hickel
Hannah Keartland Hannah Keartland

Less is More by Jason Hickel

Jason Hickel explores why we’re in the mess we’re in and what the solutions are to create a sustainable future. His answer is ‘degrowth’.

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Mission Economy by Mariana Mazzucato
Hannah Keartland Hannah Keartland

Mission Economy by Mariana Mazzucato

Mariana Mazzucato explores what could be achieved and how the role and interactions of government and business might change if governments set ambitious direction through large, purpose-based missions. She draws many lessons from the USA putting a man on the moon in the 1960s - how that was achieved, and the wider co-benefits.

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From What Is to What If by Rob Hopkins
Hannah Keartland Hannah Keartland

From What Is to What If by Rob Hopkins

I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve recommended this book! That’s the sign of a good read.

To motivate action and engage with change, we have to be inspired to move towards something. Something that looks and feels so much better than today. Rob Hopkins helps us do that by sharing stories of initiatives that are happening right now. In communities where they’re challenging the status quo, imagining a different way of doing things and trying out new ideas to see what happens.

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Net Positive by Paul Polman & Andrew Winston
Hannah Keartland Hannah Keartland

Net Positive by Paul Polman & Andrew Winston

The traditional way of doing business isn’t sustainable – we can’t keep outsourcing the damage and closing our eyes and ears to it. What Paul Polman and Andrew Winston do in this book is paint a picture of a different way of doing business. And they go into practical detail about how this can be done. If you’re a business leader who wants to challenge the status quo and build a business which integrates responsibility and ‘doing good’ into its core then this book is well worth a read.

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